• Word lid van de wijkvereniging! /  Join the neighbourhood association!

Word lid van de wijkvereniging! / Join the neighbourhood association!

01.08.2024 : Heb je ook zo genoten van het ouderwetse Koningsdagfeest in de wijk? Kijk je uit naar de wijkfeest op Roomburg later deze maand?
Did you also enjoy the old-fashioned King's Day celebrations in the neighbourhood? Are you looking forward to the neighbourhood party at Roomburg later this month?
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Check dan even of u wel al lid bent van de wijkvereniging. Het kost maar 10 euro per jaar en met uw steun kan de wijkvereniging meer van dit soort activiteiten in de wijk organiseren, plus deze website beheren en het wijkblad maken.
Let wel: dat u het wijkkrant in de bus krijgt, zegt niets over of u lid bent of niet. We verspreiden de krant namelijk van deur tot deur om zo iedereen te bereiken.
Weet u niet meer of u lid bent? Stuur even een mailtje aan onze ledenadministratie. David van Es zoekt het voor u uit: davidvanes@profburgwijk.nl

Join the neighbourhood association!
Did you also enjoy the old-fashioned King's Day celebrations in the neighbourhood? Are you looking forward to the neighbourhood party at Roomburg later this month?
Then check whether you are already a member of the neighbourhood association. It only costs 10 euros per year and with your support the neighbourhood association can organise more of these types of activities in the neighbourhood, as well as managing this website and producing the neighbourhood magazine.
Please note: the fact that you receive the neighbourhood newspaper in your mailbox does not mean you are a member. We distribute the newspaper from door to door in order to reach everyone.

Can't remember whether you're a member or not? Send an email to our member administration - Davd van Es will look it up for you: davidvanes@profburgwijk.nl